30 January 2008

Picture update numero dos! Our first week in Madrid:

Here are some more pictures for you! Enjoy!

Check out my HUGE bed! it's actually two twin mattresses put together on one bed frame. that's like a queen bed, right? something like that... anyways. it looks so comfy!!! (tricky little buggar. that's not at all the case. ha!)
also, i dont know if they could have picked a better decor for the room (the entire house actually). i LOVE it. if i were going to decorate it, i would totally be using the same furniture and stuff! :) love it.

that's my desk with a great view. the window/door to the little balcony/terrace thing is right in front of my desk. pic of that in a second... (the doorway to the right of the desk goes into the bathroom.

there's my ol' bano! double sinks for little ol' me! i need a friend to share with ;)

faceoff! my toilet and bede... i dont know that i will try it. part of me wants to just to say that i used a bede. i am, after all, living in europe... but still. that just weirds me out. spraying water on my butt?? no thank you... i take showers for that... you know??

no central heat. radiators in every room that they hang their towels and stuff on! dont they know that those things catch on fire?! i dont let mine touch. the thought of my room burning makes me a bit uneasy... i dunno why...
this is my tv stand/dresser that i'm not allowed to use because it has paloma's stuff in it. haha.
also the closet is full of her stuff too. i have about 4 little drawers and a little spot in the huge closet space in the room for my stuff. haha.

this is the view from bed. check out the freaking light fixture! i love it :) i think it's even prettier in person. these pictures make it look kinda dull...
ok. now i'm going to try and let you get a feel for the house (townhouse?) picture, if you will, about 7 stories that are kind of staggered. so kind of 7 Half-stories? i dont really know how to explain it. but here are some pictures taken from each landing of the stairwell that goes on for days... haha. the first one is from my floor, right outside my door looking down the staircase towards the children's floor. i forgot to take pics of above my floor, but there are two more landings above my room. one is the room entrance and the next higher one is the "play room" which is pretty much just used for when their tutors come over. they study up there.

this is a view from where the last picture ended. turn that corner on the stairs, and you get the children's rooms and bathroom.

then i turned to the right and took this picture from children's floor which looks down to Paloma's room/floor (the mom).

this shot is from paloma's floor. just turning the corner from the last picture.

turn the corner at the end of the last photo, and you are looking towards the dining room with the kitchen on your left. the dining room has not been used since i've been here... maybe they use it sometimes when their dad is home? we'll see. he comes back in a month or two? eh.

this is the tiniest kitchen. seriously. the chairs are kept hanging on the wall when the kids are not eating. otherwise you can't get around the table... TINY!!! there's a little stool that i sit on. As you can see, there is never "family dinner". Very rarely are even the three of us in there at the same time. it's usually just me and one child at a time. studying while they scarf down some food before they go back to studying more...

this is where they hang the chairs that the children use. my stool is kept just below the hanging chairs.

this is the very rarely (if ever?) used dining room.

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